Inside Joana - intro photo


WIkipedia says that "Tunnel vision is the loss of peripheral vision with retention of central vision, resulting in a constricted circular tunnel-like field of vision", and I admit it, I have tunnel vision. We get a great view looking up Joana's moist pink circular tunnel, and what do we see at the bottom? The cyclops eye of her cervix staring right back at us, and her vagina is certainly not constricted, it is wide open!

Sometimes it is nice when a model teases us and gives us some visual "foreplay", but Joanna starts this video buck naked, tits out, legs spread and cunt opened. No tease, and that's fine with us! We get some nice finger spreads, too, and Joana also rotates the speculum 90 degrees, so we get a very nice view of the roof of her vagina with all those lovely rugae. All in all, a beautiful gynecological display! :-)

相应的美图资源如下: INSIDE JOANA - 2025年3月13日.


时长: 19:13



子宫 扩张 妇科检查 阴道扩张 鸭嘴器 无毛的 美穴 深色皮肤



MEMBER-27628 2天前

The last 2 updates have reinforced that this is the only position I care about. Bent over gaping is a nice bonus, but I don’t care about it nearly as much as the missionary pose where you can see the face in the background. But I do love to see hard pussy flexing in both missionary and doggystyle with the speculum.

MEMBER-22394 2天前

Excellent, thank you.

MEMBER-20414 2天前

Hervorragend - ❤️ eine super tolle Spekulum-Show von Joana, die ihre Möse wunderbar zu päsentiern weiß und duch die horizontale Anwendung des Spekulums kommen auch die Scheidenwälle ihrer Pussy mit so manchen Details voll zur Geltung, ❤️ - dank Jiri's "scharfen" Aufnahmen - einfach herrlich! :-))) Thanks Joana & Jiri
Excellent - ❤️ a superb speculum show by Joana, who knows how to present her pussy wonderfully, and the horizontal application of the speculum also brings out the vaginal walls of her pussy with so many details, ❤️ - thanks to Jiri's "sharp" shots - simply wonderful! :-))) Thanks Joana & Jiri

MEMBER-27326 2天前

There are no better clips than these. Right from the beginning we have a good look at a PJGirls cervix through a speculum. Sadly not all girls are up to this kind of set. So a big respect is due to Joana for this graphic presentation of her hole.

Es gibt keine heißeren Clips als diese. Ab der ersten Sekunde das Loch sperrangelweit offen und wir dürfen dem PJGirl ganz ungeniert bis zum Muttermund reinschauen. Leider posieren nicht alle Mädels so für uns. Umso mehr Dank an Joana, die hier so bereitwillig in ihre Möse filmen lässt.

MEMBER-27548 1天前

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Well I behold beauty inside her.


MEMBER-26262 1天前

I'm no fan of the speculum and prefer to see girls at least partially clothed at the start of the shoot slowly revealing themselves until they are near turning themselves inside-out for our viewing pleasure....however this was a fine effort by Joana...expertly
captured by Jiri.... Thank-you!




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